LBC Staff
Bryan Blass, Interim Pastor

Pastor Blass joined Lakeview Baptist Church in July 2024. Prior to arriving at Lakeview, he was an Associate Pastor at Central Baptist Church in Decatur, Alabama.
He holds a Marketing degree from the University of Alabama, and a Master’s degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
Pastor Blass is also a State Missionary with the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions and is the director of the office of Elder Care.
Pastor Blass is married to Jean and they have one child, Sarah Ann.
Arnold Fuller, Worship Minister

Brother Arnold joined Lakeview Baptist Church in April 2022. Before that, he spent 37 years at Eastmont Baptist Church and 9 years with Tallaweka Baptist Church as Worship Minister..
Brother Arnold is married to Judy Fuller and they have 3 children and 5 grandchildren.